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In Practice

Achieve Rehab is dedicated to providing high quality rehabilitation which is evidence based and reflects good practice.

Image by Meelan Bawjee

Occupational Therapy

Happy Woman

Brain Injury

Image by PTTI EDU

Vocational Rehabilitation

In Practice: Services
 Young Woman Contemplating

COVID -19 Recovery

Meeting Your Needs

In Practice: Services

Some people are living with some persistent symptoms following a positive test for Covid-19.  This is being referred to as 'long Covid'.  'Post Viral syndrome' is a long period of feeling unwell and very tired after a viral infection.  People may be more familiar with this following glandular fever, but it is becoming more apparent following Covid-19. 


The government has launched its 'Your COVID recovery' online programme which can help with initial information, see below.

But recovery after Covid-19 may present further challenges for people with pre-existing illness which can exacerbate previous difficulties at home or at work and therefore specialist support maybe required. 


Evidence is building and treatment planning is starting to emerge as to what people will benefit from in the long term.

Contact us today for more details about the services we offer.

In Practice: Client
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